Mihkowapikwaniy Cultural Camp


Mihkowapikwaniy Cultural Preserve

The goal of the Mihkowapikwaniy cultural preserve is to ensure there is land so that cultural teachings and protocols are available for the youth, children and the yet to be born. The objectives for the Mihkowapikwaniy cultural preserve are to:

  • facilitate initiatives that foster a healthy relationship with the land

  • provide opportunity to develop and foster a sense of community

  • actively practice cultural teachings and protocols to ensure children succeed and to provide those opportunities for those yet to be born.

The Mihkowapikwaniy cultural preserve is located in Lubicon Traditional Territory. It is the same space where the annual Mihkowapikwaniy storytelling leadership camp has been hosted for the past five years. What initially started as a memorial, has since transitioned into an annual event where culture is celebrated and traditions are passed down.

For the past five years the Cultural camp has fostered positive self-expression, and has given the elders and youth an opportunity to interact together in a traditional environment. Space to teach the land based learning curriculum offered by KTC Education Authority became hard to obtain; it was suggested that permanent cultural space be made available to the local communities for the benefit of the students.

A partnership was formed between KTC and Lubicon Lake Band #453. Together they are working to develop permanent infrastructure to better serve the patrons at the Mihkowapikwaniy cultural preserve